& | Sustainable Investor Summit | Frankfurt and Vienna

Albert Reiter, CFA, CEO & supported the 4th Sustainable Investor Summit in Frankfurt on 29 September 2021 and moderated a panel on ESG Data.

The topic of the “Global View” panel in Vienna on 14 October, 2021 will be: “TheRead more & | FundForum International | Monaco

The world’s #1 global investment management event will be back in Monaco from 20-22 October 2021.

Albert Reiter, CFA, CEO & will lead a panel of fund selectors and investors who will share their global ESG perspectives. The… Read more joins respACT Austria

We are pleased to inform that joined respACT – austrian business council for sustainable development as a new member.

respACT is Austria‘s leading platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development. For more… Read more

ESG Screening & Asset Manager Selection & and QNG presented at BSW – Green Banking at Stift Göttweig/Austria yesterday. The inaugural ESG  conference, organized by RIM Management KG, hosted a number of Austria’s leading ESG service providers, asset owners… Read more

238 Responses to ESG Requests

Asset owners registered on the have free access to 238 detailed responses (plus draft responses) from asset managers to five key ESG requests (as per 30 June 2021):

(1) Diversity and Inclusion Tool, (2) Active Ownership and Voting,  (3) Climate-RelatedRead more – QNG Workshop – Banken-Symposium Wachau – BSW on 1 July 2021

We are pleased to host a workshop at the upcoming Banken-Symposium Wachau – BSW on 1 July, 2021.

This year’s symposium will focus on “Green Banking”. Albert Reiter, CFA, CEO & and Roland Kölsch, Managing… Read more

New ESG Screening Questionnaire

We are pleased to announce the release of the ESG Screening questionnaire for investors.

Investors can establish the ESG status quo of existing investments in all asset classes by integrating the new questionnaire template in new RFIs.

The Expert Group on Sustainability

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ESG-Bestandsaufnahme für institutionelle Mandate gewinnt an Bedeutung für Investoren | QNG

Neue regulatorische ESG-Vorgaben sind ein wichtiger ESG-Motivator für Pensionseinrichtungen und andere institutionelle Anleger. Auch für deren Interessensgruppen der Begünstigten, der Unternehmenskunden/Sponsoren und der Eigentümer wird das Thema … Read more Activities and Events will participate in the following activities and events (speaker or moderator)

3 June 2021: CFA Institute EMEA ESG Community Roundtable – SFDR discussion (1)

9 June 2021: CFA Institute EMEA ESG Community Roundtable – SFDR discussion… Read more

Diversity & Inclusion Tool

| Research Tool for Asset Owners

Based on diversity projects published by initiatives created a questionnaire in July 2020 to support asset owners in their research and decision-making process.

| Asset owners understand the need to create a more … Read more